Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ben and Jerry

Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream company is well known for its sales in the USA, Europe, and Asia. They are a very well established, successful, global operation. Since 2000, the company has continually improved their ice-cream brands. They sell its named ice-cream and frozen yogurt under brand names such as Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia. Chunky Monkey is banana ice-cream with fudge chunks and walnuts. In 2009, Chunky Monkey was named among the top ten best ice-cream flavors in London. Philanthropy is also a strength of Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream. The Company contributed $1,206,412 to the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation in 2002, as compared to $1,178,423 in 2001. Ben and Jerry’s divide the philanthropic pool of funds between the Foundation, Corporate Philanthropy, and employee Community Action Teams (CATs). The company sponsors many PartnerShops. Partnershops are Ben and Jerry’s scoop shop outlets which are independently owned and operated by nonprofit organizations. The organizations they partner with, work with youth that encounter barriers to employment. They use the scoop shops as a place to carryout hands-on job training. Ben and Jerry’s waive the franchise fee and provide additional financial support to their partners. They have more than 750 Scoop Shops worldwide. The company is involved in global warming campaigns. Ben and Jerry’s commitment is to reduce the company’s carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent. On many levels, their employees are directly involved to help make this commitment happen. After twenty-five years of independent operation, Ben and Jerry’s were bought out by Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch multinational consumer products firm for $325 million. Under the deal, Unilever gave Ben and Jerry’s shareholders $43. 60 per share. Through it all, Ben and Jerry’s were able to retain their social responsibility stand. They were able to keep the co-founders involved with product development. Ben and Jerry’s brands complemented Unilever’s ice-cream brands. In the past, Ben and Jerry’s have lacked professionalism from their upper management. In 2006, the company’s former CFO, Stuart Wiles, was found guilty of embezzling some $300,000 from the company during his tenure which ran from 2000 to 2004. He spent the money on car repairs, gifts, vacations, entertainment, clothing – and even a $58,000 addition to his home. He was sentenced to twenty-seven months in prison. Also, in 2006, they had to stop using Michael Foods as their egg supplier. An animal welfare campaign pressured Ben and Jerry’s to dump the egg producer accused of mistreating its chickens. An undercover video, showed dead and dying chickens stuck in their cages. Ben and Jerry’s bought about two million pounds of eggs per year from the supplier. Despite several corporate weaknesses, the company achieved success. In 1994, Ben and Jerry’s reinvested large amounts of money into property and equipment. By purchasing the property and equipment, they increased their long-term debts by almost 45 percent. They also increased their marketing and selling expenses. They thought it would be best to take out an immense amount of capital lease to automate production. They saw the need to do this so they could keep up with the intense competition. In today’s health conscious society, Ben and Jerry’s have introduced more fat-free and healthy alternative ice-cream and frozen yogurt products. These low-fat, no-fat products still contain the creamy richness and unbeatable quality, but only have three grams of fat per serving. Ben and Jerry’s also provide allergen free food items, such as gluten free and peanut free. In 2008, Ben and Jerry’s acquired Best Foods and Slim-fast. Slim-fast happens to be one of Unilever’s top-performers allowing them to enter a new industry of weight loss products. In turn, Unilever can now expand into more countries like Europe, where weight loss management is taking hold. In 2009, Ben and Jerry’s announced plans to introduce the country’s first HFC-free freezer. These freezers do not emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Most freezers in the U. S. use hydro fluorocarbon gases to generate cooling. These HFC’s have a significant downside. HFCs are among a group of refrigerants, known as â€Å"F-gases†, highly potent greenhouse gases. The most commonly used HFC has a global warming potential (GWP) of 3,200. This means that a ton of this gas in the atmosphere has the same global warming effect as 3,200 tons of carbon dioxide. Over time, all those leaking freezers can make a significant contribution to the problems of global warming.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hippa Violations Essay

A staff nurse working at a medical clinic looked up a patient file in order to weaken a lawsuit case the patient had against the nurse’s husband. She gave the information to her husband who then called the patient and made it known that he had medical information which he believed weakened the man’s case. He suggested that the man consider dropping the lawsuit. The patient called and informed the clinic what the nurse had done. He also called the district attorney and within a month both the husband and the nurse was indicted. The nurse was also fired the day after the she gave the information to her husband. The nurse pleaded out and is awaiting sentencing. She faces up to 10 years in prison, a fine of as much as $250,000, and up to three years of supervised probation. The state nursing board is seeking to revoke her license. The nurse had no right to look up the patient information and she certainly had no right to share the information with her husband. She effectively ruined her life along with her husband’s. If she was worried about the lawsuit, there were other ways to go about getting help. They could have hired a good lawyer to help. She put her entire clinic in jeopardy for selfish reasons. The clinic handled the situation perfectly. They fired the nurse on the spot as soon as the breach was brought to light and held a meeting to educate employees on the importance of HIPAA and what could happen if it is violated. I do feel sorry for the nurse because she was dealing with so much stress but she deserves what she gets. She had other options available to her and shouldn’t have looked up that information.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Organization for Efficient Management Essay

â€Å"Sound organization structure is an essential prerequisite of efficient management† – Discuss this statement and point out the various principles which should be followed in developing organization structure Introduction Organization is the backbone of management. Without efficient organization, no management can perform its functions smoothly. Sound organization contributes greatly to the continuity and success of the enterprise. Once A. Carnegie, an American industrialist, said, â€Å"Take away our factories, take away our trade, our avenues of transportation, and our money. Leave nothing but our organization, and in four years we shall have re-established ourselves†. That shows the significance of managerial skills and organization. However, good organization structure does not by itself produce good performance – just as a good constitution does not guarantee great presidents or good laws a moral society. But a poor organization structure makes good performance impossible, no matter how good the individuals may be. The right organizational structure is the necessary foundation; without it the best performance in all other areas of management will be ineffectual and frustrated. CONCEPT OF ORGANISATION STRUCTURE Organisation structure may be defined as the established pattern of relationships among the components of the organisation. Organisation structure in this sense refers to the network of relationships among individuals and positions in an organisation. Jennifer and Gareth have defined organisation structure as the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates and motivates employees so that they cooperate and work together to achieve an organisation’s goals. In fact organisation structure describes the organisation framework. Just as human beings have skeletons that define their parameters, organisations have structures that define-theirs. It is like the architectural plan of a building. Just as the architect considers various factors like cost, space, special features needed etc. while designing a good structure, the managers too must look into factors like benefits of specialisation, communication problems, problems in creating authority levels etc., before designing the organisation structure. The manager determines the work activities to get the job done, writes job descriptions, and organises people into groups and assigns them to superiors. He fixes goals and deadlines and establishes standards of performance. Operations are controlled through a reporting system. The whole structure takes the shape of a pyramid. The structural organisation implies the following things :  · The formal relationships with well-defined duties and responsibilities;  · The hierarchical relationships between superior and subordinates within the organisation;  · The tasks or activities assigned to different persons and the departments;  · Coordination of the various tasks and activities;  · A set of policies, procedures, standards and methods of evaluation of performance which are formulated to guide the people and their activities. The arrangement which is deliberately planned is the formal structure of organisation. But the actual operations and behaviour of people are not always governed by the formal structure of relations. Thus, the formal arrangement is often modified by social and psychological forces and the operating structure provides the basis of the organisation. Sound organization is an essential prerequisite of efficient management. It helps an organization in the following ways: 1. Enlarges abilities: It helps individuals to enlarge their capabilities. Division of work enables an individual to specialize in the job in which he is proficient, leading to better utilization of resources and talents. 2. Facilitates administration: It facilitates administration by avoiding waste motions, overlapping work and duplication of effort. Departmentation enables proper planning of work. Confusion and misunderstanding, over who is to perform what work, is avoided by specifying the role of managers clearly. Proportionate and balanced emphasis is put on various activities. 3. Facilitates growth and diversification:Sound organization helps in keeping activities under constant vigil and control. The organization can undertake more activities without dislocation. Talents and resources are put to good use. Opportunities are seized quickly and exploited fully, which ultimately pave way for growth and diversification. 4. Permits optimum use of resources: Human, technical and material resources are put to good use. Right persons are given right jobs. There is proper allocation of work. People know that they are supposed to do, well in advance. Necessary functions are determined and assigned, so that personnel and physical facilities are utilized effectively. 5. Stimulates creativity. It offers stimulating opportunities to people at all levels, to use their skills on jobs best suited to their nature. Delegation helps people at lower levels to do more challenging work. The higher ups, in turn, can concentrate on strategic issues putting their creative abilities to good use. 6. Facilitates coordination: Organization is an important way of achieving coordination among different departments of an enterprise. Clear authority relationships and proper assignment of work facilitates the task of achieving coordination at all levels. Poor organization leads to improper arrangement of duties and responsibilities. As a result, unimportant and trivial issues are given top priority. Activities that should be integrated or centralized are spread out and put to improper supervision. Incompetent individuals are overused while talented people are under utilized. Delays, duplications and waste motions occur with frustrating regularity. Expenses mount up. These would create utter confusion, chaos and conflict. Poor organization may mean improper arrangement of facilities and failure to achieve goals of objectives, management thinkers have laid down certain statements from time to time, from certain generally accepted understandings, which may be called the principles of organization. The principles are guidelines for planning an efficient organization structure. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the principles of organization is essential for good organization. The important principles of organization 1. Consideration of Objectives. An enterprise strives to accomplish certain objectives. Organization serves as a tool to attain these objectives. The objectives must be stated in clear terms as they play an important role in determining the type of structure, which should be developed. The principle of consideration of objectives states that only after the objectives have been stated, an organization structure should be developed to achieve them. 2. Division of Work and Specialization. The entire work in the organization should be divided into various parts so that every individual is confined to the performance of a single job, as far as possible, according to his ability and aptitudes. This is also called the principle of specialization. More a person continues on a particular job, the better will be his performance. 3. Definition of Jobs. Every position in the organization should be clearly defined in relation to other positions in the organization. The duties and responsibilities assigned to every position and its relationship with other positions should be clearly defined so that there may not be any overlapping of functions. 4. Separation of Line and Staff Functions. Whenever possible, line functions should be separated from staff activities. Line functions are those, which accomplish the main objectives of the company. In many manufacturing companies, the manufacturing and marketing departments are considered to be accomplishing the main objectives of the business and so are called the line functions and other functions like personnel, plant maintenance, financing and legal are considered as staff functions. 5. Chain of Command. There must be clear lines of authority running from the top to the bottom of the organization. Authority is the right to decide, direct and coordinate. The organization structure should facilitate delegation of authority. Clarity is achieved through delegation by steps or levels from the top position to the operating level. From the chief executive, a line of authority may proceed to departmental managers, to supervisors or foremen and finally to workers. This chain of command is also known as scalar principle of organization. 6. Parity of Authority and Responsibility. Responsibility should always be coupled with corresponding authority. Each subordinate must have sufficient authority to discharge the responsibility entrusted to him. This principle suggests that if a plant manager in a multi-plant organization is held accountable for all activities in his plant, he should not be subject to orders from company headquarters specifying the quantity of raw materials he should buy or from whom he should purchase raw materials. If a supervisor is responsible for the quality of work of his department, he should not be asked to accept as a member of his workforce an employee who has been hired without consulting him. 7. Unity of Command. No one in the organization should report to more than one supervisor. Everyone in the organization should know to whom he reports and who reports to him. Stated simply, everyone should have only one boss. Receiving directions from several supervisors may result in confusion, chaos, conflicts and lack of action. So each member of the organization should receive directions from and report to one superior only. This will avoid conflict of command and help in fixing responsibilities. 8. Exceptional Matters. This principle requires that organization structure should be so designed that managers are required to go through the exceptional matters only. The subordinates should take all the routine decisions, whereas problems involving unusual matters and policy decisions should be referred to higher levels. 9. Span of Supervision. The span of supervision means the number of persons a manager or a supervisor can direct. If too less number of employees are reporting to a supervisor, his time will not be utilized properly. But, on the other hand, there is a limit to the number of subordinates that can be efficiently supervised by an executive. Both these points should be kept in mind while grouping and allocating the activities to various departments. It is difficult to give a definite number of persons a manager can direct. It will depend upon the nature of the work and a number of other factors. 10. Balance of Various Factors. There should be proper balance in the formal structure of the organization in regard to factors having conflicting claims, e.g., between centralization and decentralization, span of supervision and lines of communication and authority allocated to departments and personnel at various levels. 11. Communication. A good communication network is essential to achieve the objectives of an organization. No doubt the line of authority provides readymade channels of communication downward and upward, still some blocks in communication occur in many organizations. The confidence of the superior in his subordinates and two-way communication are the factors that unite an organization into an effectively operating system. 12. Flexibility. The organization structure should be flexible so that it can be easily and economically adapted to the changes in the nature of business as well as technical innovations. Flexibility of organization structure ensures the ability to change with the environment before something serious may occur. So the organization structure should be such that it permits expansion and contraction without disrupting the basic activities. 13. Continuity. Change is the law of nature. Many changes take place outside the organization. These changes must be reflected in the organization. For this, the form of organization structure must be able to serve the enterprise and to attain its objectives for a long period of time. Types of Organizational Structure in Management Small companies can use a variety of organizational structures. However, a small company’s organization structure must be designed to effectively meet its goals and objectives, according to the Lamar University article titled â€Å"Organizational Structure† on its website. Types of organizational structure in management can include flat structures as well as functional, product and geographical-structured organizations. Flat Organizational Structure Many small companies use a flat organizational structure, where very few levels of management separate executives from analysts, secretaries and lower-level employees. Flat organizations work best when a company has less than 20 employees, especially if the company employs one or two employees per department. One advantage of using a flat organizational structure for management is that decisions can be made relatively quickly. The flat organizational lacks the typical bureaucracy of taller organizational structures–those with many levels of management. Functional Organizational Structure A functional organizational structure is centered on job functions, such as marketing, research and development and finance. Small companies should use a functional organization when they want to arrange their organizational structure by department. For example, a small company may have a director, two managers and two analysts in the marketing department. The director would likely report to the Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, and both managers would report to the director. In addition, each manager may have an analyst reporting to them. A functional organizational structure works well when small companies are heavily project-focused. Directors can assign certain projects to managers, who can then divvy up tasks with their analysts. The department can then more effectively meet their project deadlines. Product Organzational Structure A product organizational structure has managers reporting to the president or head of the company by product type. Product organizational structures are primarily used by retail companies that have stores in various cities. However, stores in each city may still need a local human resources or marketing department to carry out functions locally. For example, a small department store company may have a vice president of sporting goods, housewares and general merchandise at the corporate office. One manager may report to each vice president. However, each manager may oversee the work of one or more field marketing employees who travel and handle local marketing stores in several states. These field marketing employees may work for the sporting goods manager one week in League City, Texas, then do merchandising for the housewares manager another week in the Sugarland, Texas, market. Geographical Organizational Structure The Small Business Administration is responsible for defining small businesses in different industries. For example, in manufacturing, the SBA usually considers a company with 500 or fewer employees a small business. Point is, small businesses are still large enough to use a geographical organizational structure. A geographical organizational structure is when companies decentralize the functional areas. For example, unlike the product organizational structure, there may be a local marketing, finance, accounting and research development person based in each region. For example, a small consumer products food company may be large enough to place a marketing research manager and analyst in each of six different regions. This can be important because consumers in various areas have different tastes. Hence, a geographical structure will enable the company to better serve the local market. ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS The study of organisational structure is necessary to understand organisational effectiveness. In simple terms better the structure of an organisation more effective would be the organisation and vice versa. You must be aware that some organisations perform better and grow more rapidly than other. On the extreme side some organisations perform badly and within a short period of time go out of business. Determinants of Organisational Effectiveness Several factors influence the organisational effectiveness Managerial Policies and Practices Managerial policies and practices integrate the entire organisation, maintain balance among the interest groups in the organisation, and accommodate them with the external environment. Managerial policies and practices have a direct bearing on the Organisational effectiveness. The major managerial policies and practices are as follow : Strategy: A strategy is a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals. Goals define where does the organisation want to go and strategies define how will the organization reach there. In other words, strategy is the determination of basic long term goals of the organisation, the adoption of the courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve them. The strategy is the most important factor of an organisation which decides the future course of action for the organisation. New strategy is often selected based upon environmental needs, and then the top management attempts to redesign the orga nisation to achieve those ends. Strategy: A strategy is a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals. Goals define where does the organisation want to go and strategies define how will the organization reach there. In other words, strategy is the determination of basic long term goals of the organisation, the adoption of the courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve them. The strategy is the most important factor of an organisation which decides the future course of action for the organisation. New strategy is often selected based upon environmental needs, and then the top management attempts to redesign the organisation to achieve those ends. Decision-making: Decision-making is choosing among alternatives. It has close relationship with all traditional management functions. The decision that management makes has a profound impact on the success of an organisation. Rewards: Organisational success to a large extent depends on how is management able to gain support of its team by way of compensating them for the efforts they are making for the achievement of organizational goals. It is primarily meant to sustain employee morale and improve or maintain productivity. Communication: It is the linkages among members of the organisation whereby they exchange information. The organisational structure has to provide for a perfect communication among different members of the organisation. Organisational communication is the grease that enables any organisational change. Environmental Characteristics Organisational effectiveness is influenced to a great degree by the external environmental characteristics. It is dependent on how is the external environment predictable, complex and hostile to the organisation and its activity. The major characteristics are as follow : Predictability: Predictability refers to how certain or uncertain an organisation may be towards supply of various resources; human, raw material etc. It is an element of external environment. Complexity: Environment complexity refers to the heterogeneity and range of activities which are relevant to an organisation’s operations. How many diverse groups from external environment the organisations have to deal with. Hostility: A hostile environment is one in which the underpinning of the organisation is threatened. How is an organisation viewed by the people at large. You may recall the case of Union Carbide after the Bhopal gas leakage about the hostility of environment Employee characteristics The characteristics of the human resource could make or break an organisation. It is employee characteristics, which is reflected in the success or failure of an organisation. The major characteristics are as follow : Goals: Goals define where the organisation wants to go. Goals are intentions that an individual or an organisation would like to achieve in the course of their working. Goals provide a directional nature to people’s behaviour and guide their thoughts and actions. Skills: Skill is the ability to engage in a set of behaviour that are functionally related to one another and that lead to a desired performance in a given area. The skill can be technical, managerial, behavioural etc. Motives: A motive is an inner state of a person that energizes activates, or moves and directs towards the achievement of a pre defined goal. The motivated employees have high motives to perform better and achieve the targets. Attitudes: Attitudes are evaluative statements- either favourable or unfavourable concerning objects, events, or people. Attitudes influence job behaviour and hence organisational effectiveness. Values: Values represent basic convictions or a specific mode of conduct. It generally influences an individual’s attitude and behaviour. The value that a person holds influences his or her motivation and subsequently behaviour. Organisational Characteristics Organisational characteristics refer to the general conditions that exist within an organisation. Various organisational characteristics influence organisational effectiveness. The major characteristics are as follow: Structure: An organisational structure defines how are job tasks formally divided, grouped and coordinated. For organisational effectiveness, six elements need to be addressed while designing organisational structure. These are: work specialisation, departmentation, chain of command, span of control, centralisation and decentralisation, and formalization. Technology: The term technology refers to how does an organisation transfer its inputs into outputs. Every organisation has at least one technology for converting financial, human and physical resources into products or services. The choice of technology and its use influences organisational effectiveness. Size: In a narrow sense organisational size refers to the number of people in an organisation. But, if we take a broader view, size refers to the physical capacity of the organisation, the personnel available to the organisation, the organisational inputs or outputs and the discretionary resources available to an organisation. It is the size which influences the structure which in turn influences organisational effectiveness. Benefits of organisational effectiveness:  · Structures and behaviours are aligned with business needs.  · Disruption to business is minimised which reduces operational risk.  · Employee morale is sustained which maintains productivity.  · The right employees and talent are retained.  · Employees objectives and rewards are aligned to business goals. CONCLUSION Organisation structure refers to the grouping of activities and establishing pattern of relationship among the various parts of the organisation. It involves the assignment of tasks, establishment of hierarchical relationship, creation of policies, procedures, coordination and control of all activities in the organisation. The Organisational designs are dependent on a wide variety of factors; namely the management philosophy, the size of the organisation, the type of technology, and the external environmental factors. Therefore, there cannot be tailor-made solutions for all organisations. The ultimate aim for the organisation is to be effective and organisational structure is a tool in the attainment of organisational objectives. The components of organisational effectiveness are managerial policies and practices, employee characteristics, organizational characteristics and the environmental characteristics. Organizational structure is what ensures that your organization will function smoothly and as you intended. You should think about structure early in the development of your organization, but be aware that the type that fits best may change as your organization grows.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

1. The colonization of the Americas (Read the whole question below) Essay

1. The colonization of the Americas (Read the whole question below) - Essay Example As other European countries realized these possibilities, they  too  went in search for  land  to explore and slaves to do their manual labor bringing about collisions between their cultures (Cobs and Blum, 2). These facts can be well established in the interpretation of the various exchanged items and practices and the various impacts that they had on the items and cultural practices of the different worlds. Though considered as a particularly significant aspect of the American history and culture, the American history itself such as the Columbian exchange began as a disaster. The  collision  and interaction among the new world and the old  world  have been towards the  outcome  for many years before  hand  of the Columbian exchange though along remarkably different  line  patterns from each other.  The West Africans, Indians, and Europeans, differed from each other not only in terms of  language  and physical looks, but also in terms of other social cultural standings such as the roles of women and men in the society, religious beliefs and  government  structures.  While some of the new arrivals in the others lands took this opportunity to observe,  explore  and  learn  others took this  opportunity  as  ground  to justify collisions, wars and savagery behaviors in line with  cultural  and developmental  discrimination  (Cobs and Blum, 2) Collisions during wars and invasions also in turn made cultural exchange able to occur during the earlier times.  Various wars and invasions of  various  com munities by the  different  world was a common issue during these times and such invasions brought the different  world’s  cultured  peoples into contact with each other’s worlds and cultures. The occurrence of wars and invasions was a common occurrence during these time periods and until the times that diplomatic relations  were obtained  between the two worlds. As a community was

Individual Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual Report - Essay Example As such, in terms of the organization of the paper, a summary of each section will be provided followed by the views of the reviewer. Major section headings are typed in bold type while sub-section are typed normally. Though not explicitly stated, one can infer the purpose of the research. It is to develop an open-book accounting (OBA) framework that is organized according to the various uses of OBA and employed by practitioners of supply chain management as an implementation tool(Hoffjan , et al., 2011). This purpose is informed by the fact that very little is known of the relevance of OBA in competitive business environments that are normally punctuated by relationships of cooperation and trust between organizations and their suppliers and consumers. In terms of the research process, this section appears misplaced. It shows no connection to the literature review which should be the starting point and basis of the entire research process(Meerwald, 2013). Literature review is the backbone of the research process(Tight, 2013). It is from the review of literature that the researcher identifies the gap in knowledge that they then set out to fill through research. Literature review is accomplished at two levels. The first level gives a broad overview of the subject matter of the research while the second level examines past similar research. Usually, at the end of their research report, the researcher will list data gaps and recommend that further research be conducted to fill these gaps. To this end, Andreas Hoffjan and company have ably demonstrated the existence of a knowledge gap. Past studies on OBA have tended to focus on the functions and consequences of OBA. However, very little is known of the practical applications of OBA. Again, while the research problem is not directly stated, one can infer it from the research paper. While much research has been conducted on OBA, not much attention has been paid to its practical applications to supply chain

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Capital Punishment - Essay Example It is very clear from the arguments mentioned above regarding the violation of human rights that capital punishment is in fact a cruel way to punish a criminal. Deterrence is one of the most common arguments which are used to justify capital punishment. The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieu tenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime† (Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. ... The question that lies in this argument is whether capital punishment has been successful in creating deterrence and has lowered the crime rate. According to these statistics five countries with highest criminal killing rate are Jamaica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Trinidad Tobago and Lesotho, these countries do have a legal system of capital punishment and even then the homicide rate in these countries is 46.6 murders per 100,000 people while on the other hand five countries that have abolished death-penalty and have highest average homicide rate of 41.3 murders per 100,00 people include Honduras, Venezuela, Columbia, South Africa and Ecuador (O'Leary, 2011). These statistics show that capital punishment has failed in its purpose of creating deterrence as countries with capital punishment have higher homicide rates. Further to prove the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent is what a lieutenant in Kansas had to say about this subject, â€Å"I have never heard a murderer say they thought about death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crime† (Ruff). When shed light on the topic of capital punishment and deterrence it can be seen very clearly that it has failed to create deterrence and lower crime rate. Looking at the increasing homicide rates one can wonder if death penalty is not a good solution then what else would provide justice to a person who’s closed one has been killed or justice for the person you cold bloodedly killed that person. Well to look closely at the whole process of punishment there are many other ways that would serve as a better punishment than capital punishment. Life in prison without parole will have to be a suitable punishment for capital crimes as it will make the criminal realize that he or

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Origin and Significance of European Sovereign Debt Crisis Essay

The Origin and Significance of European Sovereign Debt Crisis - Essay Example Indeed, despite Germany being at the centre of the origin of the European debt crisis, there were other players who had the authority to save the euro member countries from plunging into this crisis. Introduction Manolopoulos (2011) refers to the European sovereign debt crisis as a financial crisis which has caused some Eurozone countries to have difficulties in refinancing respective government debts unless a third party intervenes. The decade preceding 2009 saw the Eurozone achieve much success economically with the European Central Bank, ECB achieving its policy objectives. The inflation was maintained at low with an almost equilibrium GDP. The use of a single currency reduced the cost of transactions with the greatest effect being on territories of countries where financial interactions were intense. Nonetheless, Grahl (2011) noted that with a single currency, member countries lose control of their currencies. As such, the exchange rate becomes fixed and in times of competitiveness problems, the country would not devalue or allow depreciation of its currency. During the crisis of the sovereign debt crisis, Britain was cushioned against this because of not being a member of the Eurozone. Secondly, these countries lose the control of domestic interest rates which influence investment and consumption effectively affecting the economy. It would only be beneficial if the member economies move at par. But with discrepancies, with others in recession while others face inflation, this becomes costly. The average good performance of the Eurozone hid some of these misgivings and individual performances of these countries. For instance, countries negatively affected by the Eurozone debt crisis had inflation rates of above 2% despite the average inflation of the Germany, the largest economy in the Eurozone being always being lower than 2% (Grahl 2011). While Germany had gradual growth, the other countries had domestic booms and entered into debt crisis with Greece being the first casualty followed by Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy in that order, with their account deficits being traced back to 1999. These countries borrowed for their domestic financing from abroad such as the housing developments in Spain and Ireland and government spending in Italy financed by German household savings. These financing was given when these countries were unable to service these debts in the long run. Instead of financing human capital and productive projects that would lead to higher future returns, the investments were on public and private consumption and on wasteful construction projects. According to Conquest (2011), financial crises resulting from housing booms would normally lead to sovereign debt crisis. Grahl (2011) further argues that sovereign debt crisis would be further propelled by fears of government’s insolvency as it would fail to pay capital and interest on its bonds. Eventually, capital markets get closed and the governments forced to default. The local currency would then depreciate followed by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Happiness in ancinet cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Happiness in ancinet cultures - Essay Example This paper will seek to establish hat culture influenced happiness in the past. The ancient Egyptians struggled to live a happy life as well as eternal joy in the eternal life. They believed in life after death therefore; they had to make sure that their deeds here on earth guarantee them a next lifespan in eternity. They believed that a person, who keeps and observes the ways of the god, is guaranteed a whole life of joy and riches than all his peers. They too believed that an obedient person lives long up to old age in his own city, earning a lot of respect from other people, as well as being blessed with numerous children (Snape 29). This shows that since prosperity is associated with material wealth as well as happiness, everyone would struggle to obey culture and its beliefs. The ancient Egyptians had different gods who were responsible for different events in people’s lives. For instant, Osiris was a god of death, and would punish evil doers. This means that people would try very hard to avoid wronging their neighbors’ or the society to avoid death punishment. In return, quarrels were minimal and people lived in harmony and happiness in their villages. This kind of perception on happiness and eternity has been passed to the current generations due through kingdoms and dynasties. This means that inheritance and cultural practices have been passed from one generation to the next one because people are willing to live a longer life and continue their family lineage. The Egyptians had a positive view of life especially life after death since they invested in prestigious tombs with food and personal belongings for life after death. Marriage life was full of happiness since poetry was important and men were responsible for protecting their women as well reciting love poems for their wives. In Mesopotamia, population grew fast due to industrialization and plantation

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jackie O concert review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jackie O concert review - Essay Example Kennedy, belcher played Andy Warhol, Stephanie played Maria Callas and Joyce played Grace Kelly. The compositions according to the concert were twenty five. It however starts with an overture of Jackie’s song. It is played with a violin which leads to the beginning of the concert. The list then goes on to the different compositions and then ends with bows and credits. The main list of compositions includes the following; 3. Describe one or more musical elements that you recognize in the compositions. Identify the style period (If you are unaware what the style is, look up the composer and compare it to the period discussed in the book). The dates will often appear in the program. Mention any instrument that stands out and explain why In the composition, there is the use of the cello mostly. It stands out for me as it brings out the melancholy. It is played solo and it gives voice to Jackie’s song that is without voice in the beginning and enables one to understand the mood of the song and the opera. Other instruments used in the composition include, the piano, percussion, clarinet, the cello, a drum, saxophone, horn, trumpet, acoustic guitar, a bassoon, harp, trombone, tuba, strings and the flute. The style period is regarded as an opera because it is a series of many acts and compositions throughout the concert. Others may also call it a song cycle because of the different compositions in it. The concert is full of life. The performances bring much meaning to the titles and compositions of each of them. The costumes by the performances and the voices bring out melodies that create great symphony with the instruments. Each role of every performer is very well illustrated to bring out the stories of the opera according to Daugherty. The life presented for Jackie O is a flow of both joy and sadness. The opera brings out emotion that is illustrated so importantly in the songs and in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Information and Communication Technologies Research Paper

Information and Communication Technologies - Research Paper Example Over time customers have become more and more demanding when it comes to quality of food and of fine dining (Gundersen, Heide, & Olsson, 1996). Hoteliers have admitted that there is an increase in competition when it comes to restaurants and the quality of food being provided to the customer. One of the reasons of the increase in competition is the creation of new concepts. Moreover exposure given to chefs and cooking experts by media has significantly raised the expectations of customers (Boone, 2008). Furthermore food served at restaurants in a hotel tends to act as a factor in determining a hotel’s position in the market (Boone, 2008). A guest at a hotel tends to judge the hotel based on the dining experience that he or she has (Gundersen, Heide, & Olsson, 1996). Business objectives and strategies: The business objectives of the restaurant can be divided into two main categories increase revenue generated and cut down unnecessary expenditures of the restaurant. ... The second approach is based on arranging a celebrity night at the restaurant that would help attract a number of customers to the restaurants (Fine, 2010). Contacting celebrities would depend upon the restaurant owner’s PR and his or her network (Fine, 2010). The third approach would be marketing about the restaurant via the internet (Bailey, 2011). Online advertising would be the main tool used for promoting the restaurant over the internet (Janoschka, 2003). Through online marketing the management of the restaurant would be able to get its message across to a large number of potential customers (Janoschka, 2003). Online advertising makes use of social media websites, mobile advertising and display advertising (Janoschka, 2003). To help increase the profit margin a price vibration model would be implemented at the restaurant. The model is based on two basic activities. The first activity is to increase the prices on the menu when the traffic within the restaurant is at its h ighest peak, which is during lunch and dinner time (Schmidgall, Hayes, & Ninemeier, 2002). The second activity is regarding the improvement of the menu. The menu can be improved by removing all those items that are least favorites of the customers. By removing such items from the menu the restaurant would be able to reduce the cost of production and hence helping it increase its overall profit margin. Removing an item from the menu must only be done after a careful analysis (Schmidgall, Hayes, & Ninemeier, 2002). To achieve the third objective of the restaurant, that is to gain customer loyalty, various promotions and rewards would be offered to customers

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Life of Pi Analysis Essay Example for Free

Life of Pi Analysis Essay Having just experienced the sinking of his family’s ship, and being put onto a life boat with only a hyena, Pi felt completely lost and alone. Then he met a familiar face from his family’s zoo, Pi saw the Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker onboard. His first reaction was to save the life of Richard Parker so that he may have a companion, and a protector aboard the lifeboat. Suddenly Pi realizes just what he is doing. He is saving the life of Richard Parker, by welcoming him, a 450 pound Bengal tiger, onto the small lifeboat. He experiences a change of heart when helping the tiger onto the boat. Pi realizes that he is now posing a threat on his own life. With Richard Parker on the boat, Pi is faced with not only the fight to survive stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but the fight to survive living with a meat eating tiger. The change of heart that Pi experiences might possibly mean that he is an impulsive thinker. It may mean that he often does something on impulse without thinking it through, and then later regrets his actions. Though he was having bad experiences onboard, Pi maintains his religious beliefs while on the life boat through his daily prayers. He takes time aside each day to say the prayers that he always would say. In one instance, he turns where he believes Mecca is located, and prays his traditional prayers towards Mecca. Pi also often states that he will include specific animals in his prayers, such as the zebra aboard his lifeboat, and the first fish that he ever killed. With Pi keeping his ritual prayers going, it helped him to survive. He made comparisons between that of Orange Juice, the orangutan, and the Virgin Mary, and would also often bring up Jesus on the cross. Truly, Pi’s religious faith remained strong throughout his journey on the Pacific Ocean.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gender Issues and Roles Essay Example for Free

Gender Issues and Roles Essay Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, activities and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. It is a basic organizing principle of society that shapes how we think about ourselves and guides how we interact with others. The distinct roles and behavior may give rise to gender inequalities, i. e. differences between men and women that systematically favor one group. There are differences between the sexes in that men weigh more than women and have more muscle. Women outperform men in some test of long term endurance and life expectancy. However, biologically, the sexes differ in limited ways with neither one naturally superior. Origin of Gender roles The root of all gender issues which presently exist in society may be traced back to The Creation Story in Genesis. This crucial chapter of the Bible provides evidence supporting that God intended for man and woman to exist as equals, yet he assigned gender roles once Adam and Eve disobeyed him by eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of good and evil. Thus, men have been characterized as the â€Å"breadwinners† and women as â€Å"child bearers and housekeepers† since the beginning of humanity. Men and women have been trapped in certain roles since the beginning of time, and have always had a power struggle between them. Gender issues have not evolved over time; they have always existed. Partriarchy and Sexism Partriarchy literally means â€Å"rule of fathers†. Conceptions of gender vary everywhere in the world and we find some degree partriarchy. Sexism is the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other and is built into the institutions of society. Sexism stunts the talents and limits the ambitions of the human population who are women. Masculinity comes with a high price as it calls for men to engage in many high-risk behaviors, including using tobacco and alcohol, participating in physically dangerous sports, and driving recklessly. It is also closely linked not only to accidents but to suicide, violence and stress-related diseases. As men seek control over others, they opportunities for intimacy and trust. In general men have more social resources than women. Martriarchy is a form of social organization in which females dominate males. Although there is no clear case of matriarchy, women’s power can rival that of men. Many societies count among their historical heroes at least one brave woman warrior or leader, but few are as reviled as the Kikuyu Wangu wa Makeri. Appointed as the head of Weithaga, in Muranga district, by the colonialists, Makeri’s legacy is as a woman who made hell for the men of her tribe, wreaking revenge and sewing humiliation for the gender roles she had broken out of. Born in 1856, according to Nairobi University historian Mary W Wanyoike, Makeri’s rise to fame came relatively late in her life, when, in 1901 she was appointed as the head of her district. The elevation of a woman to such a position of power was unheard of in those days. Wangu, however, embraced the position with vigour. Tales abound of her demeaning men, riding on their backs on all fours, taking multiple lovers among them one Karuri Gakure and being very far from an â€Å"attractive’ woman. Certainly, such behaviour was anathema in early 20th Century Kikuyu culture. In those days, once men had paid the dowry on the women they were to marry, the women were considered their property. Women might be disgruntled, but they were expected to be silent victims. Thus when Wangu â€Å"superwoman† Makeri got power, she felt it her personal mission to avenge for the exploited women. Her zeal, however, quickly made her a hate figure for men, as did her tendency to overstep the boundary of leadership. Yet she held on to power for a remarkable 35 years. In the end, what lead to her downfall and death, was the brewing conflict between the Kikuyu and British colonialists. From around 1910, colonial resentment was budding. The Kikuyus who later formed the Mau Mau saw Wangu Wa Makeri as a proxy for colonialists. They instigated a rebellion against oth the colonialists and her. With her support thinning, her back-riding tenure ended unceremoniously. Yet her reputation for multiple lovers and a passion to domineer the masculine species, is still used as a weapon today in the gender war, driving accusations that any women who loves power and money is of her line, and setting up a horror figure that no good Kikuyu women would wish to be associated with. In time, it seems, hers is one story that may yet be retold. In preindustrial societies, women have little control over pregnancy and childbirth, which limits the scope of their lives. Similarly, men’s greater height and physical height and physical strength are highly valued resources. But industrialization gives people choices about how to live. Today, then, in societies like our own, biological differences provide little justification for partriachy. Legitimate or not, male dominance still holds. Some sociologists claim that biological factors â€Å"wire† the sexes with different motivations and behaviours, specifically more aggressiveness in males. Most sociologists, however, believe that gender is primarily a social construction that can be changed. Gender Socialization From birth until death, human feelings, thoughts and actions reflect the social as different kinds of human beings. By age tree, they incorporate gender into their identities by applying society’s standards to themselves. Just as gender affects how we think of ourselves, so it teaches us to act in normative ways. Gender roles are attitudes and activities that society links to each sex. Male – female differences Most of the differences between men and women turn out to be socially created. However there are some differences in physical ability between the sexes such as, on average, males are 10 percent taller, 20 percent heavier and 30 percent stronger, especially in their upper bodies. On the other hand, women outperform men in life expectancy. In adolescence, males show greater mathematical ability, whereas adolescent females excel in verbal skills a difference that reflects both biology and socialization. Research points no overall differences in intelligence between males and females. Biologically then, men and women differ in limited ways, neither one being naturally superior. Sex and the body At birth, females and males are distinguished by primary sex characteristics, namely the genital organs used to reproduce the human species. At puberty, humans exhibit secondary sex characteristics, whereby bodily development, apart from the genitals, that distinguishes biologically mature females and males. To accommodate pregnancy, giving birth, and nurturing infants, adolescent females develop wider hips, breasts and soft fatty tissue, thereby providing a reserve supply of nutrition for pregnancy and breast-feeding. Adolescent males, usually slightly taller and heavier than females from birth, typically develop more muscle in the upper body, more extensive body hair and deeper voices. Sexual orientation Sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes. Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Research over several decades has demonstrated that sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, from exclusive attraction to the other sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex. However, sexual orientation is usually discussed in terms of three categories: heterosexual (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of the other sex), gay/lesbian (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of one’s own sex), and bisexual (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to both men and women). This range of behaviors and attractions has been described in various cultures and nations throughout the world. Many cultures use identity labels to describe people who express these attractions. The most frequent labels are lesbians (women attracted to women), gay men (men attracted to men), and bisexual people (men or women attracted to both sexes).. Sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex (the anatomical, physiological, and genetic characteristics associated with being male or female), gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female) and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior). Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as if it were solely a characteristic of an individual, like biological sex, gender identity, or age. This perspective is incomplete because sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others. People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, including such simple actions as holding hands or kissing. Thus, sexual orientation is closely tied to the intimate personal relationships that meet deeply felt needs for love, attachment, and intimacy. In addition to sexual behaviors, these bonds include nonsexual physical affection between partners, shared goals and values, mutual support, and ongoing commitment. Therefore, sexual orientation is not merely a personal characteristic within an individual. Rather, one’s sexual orientation defines the group of people in which one is likely to find the satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationships that are an essential component of personal identity for many people. How people know their Sexual orientation? According to current scientific and professional understanding, the core attractions that form the basis for adult sexual orientation typically emerge between middle childhood and early adolescence. These patterns of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction may arise without any prior sexual experience. People can be celibate and still know their sexual orientation-–be it lesbian, gay, bisexual, or heterosexual. Different lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have very different experiences regarding their sexual orientation. Some people know that they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual for a long time before they actually pursue relationships with other people. Some people engage in sexual activity (with same-sex and/or other-sex partners) before assigning a clear label to their sexual orientation. Prejudice and discrimination make it difficult for many people to come to terms with their sexual orientation identities, so claiming a lesbian, gay, or bisexual identity may be a slow process. What role do prejudice and discrimination play in the lives of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people? Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people encounter extensive prejudice, discrimination, and violence because of their sexual orientation. Intense prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people was widespread throughout much of the 20th century. Public opinion studies over the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s routinely showed that, among large segments of the public, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people were the target of strongly held negative attitudes. More recently, public opinion has increasingly opposed sexual orientation discrimination, but expressions of hostility toward lesbians and gay men remain common in contemporary American society. Prejudice against bisexuals appears to exist at comparable levels. In fact, bisexual individuals may face discrimination from some lesbian and gay people as well as from heterosexual people. Sexual orientation discrimination takes many formsSevere antigay prejudice is reflected in the high rate of harassment and violence directed toward lesbian, gay. Numerous surveys indicate that verbal harassment and abuse are nearly universal experiences among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Also, discrimination against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in employment and housing appears to remain widespread. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is another area in which prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have had negative effects. Early in the pandemic, the assumption that HIV/AIDS was a â€Å"gay disease† contributed to the delay in addressing the massive social upheaval that AIDS would generate. Gay and bisexual men have been disproportionately affected by this disease. The association of HIV/AIDS with gay and bisexual men and the inaccurate belief that some people held that all gay and bisexual men were infected served to further stigmatize lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. What is the psychological impact of prejudice and discrimination? On the social level, prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are reflected in theeveryday stereotypes of members of these groups. These stereotypes persist even though they are not supported by evidence, and they are often used to excuse unequal treatment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. For example, limitations on job opportunities, parenting, and relationship recognition are often justified by stereotypic assumptions about lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. On an individual level, such prejudice and discrimination may also have negative consequences, especially if lesbian, gay, and bisexual people attempt to conceal or deny their sexual orientation. Although many lesbians and gay men learn to cope with the social stigma against homosexuality, this pattern of prejudice can have serious negative effects on health and well-being. Individuals and groups may have the impact of stigma reduced or worsened by other characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, religion, or disability. Some lesbian, gay, and bisexual people may face less of a stigma. For others, race, sex, religion, disability, or other characteristics may exacerbate the negative impact of The widespread prejudice, discrimination, and violence to which lesbians and gay men are often subjected are significant mental health concerns. Sexual prejudice, sexual orientation discrimination, and antigay violence are major sources of stress for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Although social support is crucial in coping with stress, antigay attitudes and discrimination may make it difficult for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people to find such support No, lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder. What is â€Å"coming out† and why is it important? The phrase â€Å"coming out† is used to refer to several aspects of lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons’ experiences: self-awareness of same-sex attractions; the telling of one or a few people about these attractions; widespread disclosure of same-sex attractions; and identification with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Many people hesitate to come out because of the risks of meeting prejudice and discrimination. Some choose to keep their identity a secret; some choose to come out in limited circumstances; some decide to come out in very public ways. Coming out is often an important psychological step for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Research has shown that feeling positively about one’s sexual orientation and integrating it into one’s life fosters greater well-being and mental health. This integration often involves disclosing one’s identity to others; it may also entail participating in the gay community. Being able to discuss one’s sexual orientation with others also increases the availability of social support, which is crucial to mental health and psychological well-being. Like heterosexuals, lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people benefit from being able to share their lives with and receive support from family, friends, and acquaintances. Thus, it is not surprising that lesbians and gay men who feel they must conceal their sexual orientation report more frequent mental health concerns than do lesbians and gay men who are more open; they may even have more physical health problems. What about sexual orientation and coming out during adolescence? Adolescence is a period when people separate from their parents and families and begin to develop autonomy. Adolescence can be a period of experimentation, and many youths may question their sexual feelings. Becoming aware of sexual feelings is a normal developmental task of adolescence. Sometimes adolescents have same-sex feelings or experiences that cause confusion about their sexual orientation. This confusion appears to decline over time, with different outcomes for different individuals. Some adolescents desire and engage in same-sex behavior but do not identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, sometimes because of the stigma associated with a nonheterosexual orientation. Some adolescents experience continuing feelings of same-sex attraction but do not engage in any sexual activity or may engage in heterosexual behavior for varying lengths of time. Because of the stigma associated with same-sex attractions, many youths experience same-sex attraction for many years before becoming sexually active with partners of the same sex or disclosing their attractions to others. For some young people, this process of exploring same-sex attractions leads to a lesbian, gay, or bisexual identity. For some, acknowledging this identity can bring an end to confusion. When these young people receive the support of parents and others, they are often able to live satisfying and healthy lives and move through the usual process of adolescent development. The younger a person is when she or he acknowledges a nonheterosexual identity, the fewer internal and external resources she or he is likely to have. Therefore, youths who come out early are particularly in need of support from parents and others. Young people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual may be more likely to face certain problems, including being bullied and having negative experiences in school. These experiences are associated with negative outcomes, such as suicidal thoughts, and high-risk activities, such as unprotected sex and alcohol and drug use. On the other hand, many lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths appear to experience no greater level of health or mental health risks. Where problems occur, they are closely associated with experiences of bias and discrimination in their environments. Support from important people in the teen’s life can provide a very helpful counterpart to bias and discrimination. Support in the family, at school, and in the broader society helps to reduce risk and encourage healthy development. Youth need caring and support, appropriately high expectations, and the encouragement to participate actively with peers. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth who do well despite stress—like all adolescents who do well despite stress—tend to be those who are socially competent, who have good problem-solving skills, who have a sense of autonomy and purpose, and who look forward to the future. In a related vein, some young people are presumed to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual because they don’t abide by traditional gender roles (i. e. , the cultural beliefs about what is appropriate â€Å"masculine† and â€Å"feminine† appearance and behavior). Whether these youths identify as heterosexual or as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, they encounter prejudice and discrimination based on the presumption that they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. The best support for these young people is school and social climates that do not tolerate discriminatory language and behavior. What can people do to diminish prejudice and discrimination against lesbian,gay,and bisexual people? Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who want to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can be open about their sexual orientation, even as they take necessary precautions to be as safe as possible. They can examine their own belief systems for the presence of antigay stereotypes. They can make use of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community—as well as supportive heterosexual people—for support. Heterosexual people who wish to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can examine their own response to antigay stereotypes and prejudice. They can make a point of coming to know lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, and they can work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals and communities to combat prejudice and discrimination. Heterosexual individuals are often in a good position to ask other heterosexual people to consider the prejudicial or discriminatory nature of their beliefs and actions. Heterosexual allies can encourage nondiscrimination policies that include sexual orientation. They can work to make coming out safe. When lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people feel free to make public their sexual orientation, heterosexuals are given an opportunity to have personal contact with openly gay people and to perceive them as individuals. Studies of prejudice, including prejudice against gay people, consistently show that prejudice declines when members of the majority group interact with members of a minority group. In keeping with this general pattern, one of the most powerful influences on heterosexuals’ acceptance of gay people is having personal contact with an openly gay person. Antigay attitudes are far less common among members of the population who have a close friend or family member who is lesbian or gay, especially if the gay person has directly come out to the heterosexual person.

Historical Influences on Architecture of Süleymaniye Mosque

Historical Influences on Architecture of Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque How has diverse cultures and architecture throughout history influenced the architecture of the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque? The main issue that will be covered by the author in this thesis is the question of how different cultures and architectural styles have influenced the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque’s design and structure. The reason for this investigation is to identify features, which have been acquired from other cultures, and also the way in which Architect Sinan developed an architectural style that was also influenced through the use of other landmark buildings around him such as the Hagia Sophia. Having said this, it is important to identify his engineering expertise, which will be discussed further in the second chapter of the thesis. It will be useful to also have a look at the influence that Architect Sinan acquired during his lifetime through other architectures and whether he has reflected these onto the making of the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque. The initial section of the thesis will be centered on familiarizing the reader with the history of Mosques respectively and how they have transformed over time up until the Ottoman Empire, as well as during the age of Sinan; where his style and works will be discussed. This will give the reader an understanding of how the stylistic and structural characteristics of traditional forms have developed over time and evolved into Ottoman Mosques and consequently the Suleymaniye. Which brings us onto the second chapter of the thesis. As mentioned, the second section will largely cover the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque’s history, function and structure. It is important to note that the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque has been through restoration many times due to earthquakes (which are a common occurrence in Istanbul) and wars, and how this has changed certain aspects of the building. The author will also look into whether or not the mosque has adapted to the changing times and social needs which the passing of time has brought with itself. Further, as seen from the table of contents, the functionality of the mosque will also be explored. As part of a larger complex, also known as the ‘Suleymaniye complex’, the Suleymaniye is a small but important part of this complex which also bears with it different functionalities. These will be described, as it will also give more of an insight into the possible changing nature of the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque through the acquisition of different functionalities within the comp lex itself. The structure is a major feature within the mosque, as it was influenced over time by many cultures and architectures such as the Hagia Sophia again, and Palladio, as well as influencing other architecture such as Michel angelos dome found above the roof of St Peters, Rome. The third chapter will initially look into the influence of other cultures such as the Islamic influence, the influence of the Byzantine Empire as well as the Barque-Style. However, as Turkey is wholly an Islamic country, and has been an Islamic country for many years pre-dating the Ottoman era, it is clear that the main influence will be the Islamic culture. However, it is important to also look into other cultural influences especially since people from other cultures also populate Turkey. Istanbul itself has been a city which seen the presence of people from different countries and or cultures brought by war etc. The issue of diverse cultural influences will arise within this study when we talk about the structure of the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque and its characteristics as different parts have been influenced or attained from a variety of different cultures. The Mosque has merged Islamic and Byzantine architectural elements. Within the final chapter of the thesis, the author will consider the influential effect of other architecture on the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque. Again, culture will be prevalent in this chapter too in order to understand how architecture is of an influence. For example, Architect Sinan has combined tall, slender towers with large domed buildings reinforced by half domes in the style of the Byzantine churchHagia Sophia. Many other styles from other cultures are evident within the Mosque, for example when the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque was destroyed by afire in 1660and was restored on the command of sultan Mehmed IV by architect FossatÄ ±. However the restoration changed the mosque into a more baroque style architecture. Taking elements from foreign cultures and religions and combining them into something original can be recognized in the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque. The originality of the great Ottoman mosques did not develop by removing all the foreign influences; instead it is a mixture that developed by the procedure of integration of foreign culture by the Turks of Byzantine culture. This is the symbol of the Ottoman Empire, a multiracial, multilingual, and multicultural empire. This will cast an understanding on the history of the Mosques and Ottoman Architecture that will hence lead to a conclusion of the influences on the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque. The sources mentioned in the bibliography will be of great use in acquiring the relevant information. These can be accessed through the web. The thesis will also require looking beyond these articles and books, as a site visit is required. The Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque The Sà ¼leymaniye mosque was built in Istanbul between 1550 and 1557. It is the largest of the Ottoman building enterprises and is regarded as one of Architect Sinan’s (Mimar Sinan) most famous masterpieces, as well as one of the most important examples of Ottoman architecture. Sinan was born in the last decade of the sixteenth century. Being enrolled as a teenager into the Janissary Corps that is a school for apprentices, he advanced his, carpentry, aarchitectural and engineering skill. Sinan served in various military roles during the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent, where he gradually developed approval for his engineering skills and achievements. During the Moldavian campaign was when Sinan was chosen to be the chief architect by the Prime Minister, Lutfi Pasha. Sinan was the chief architect for almost fifty years and was responsible for the design, construction and restoration of over 400 buildings, of which the Suleymaniye being one of the most important. During his t ime as chief architect, he contributed to theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨formation of an architecture thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨is now recognized as ‘Ottoman Architecture’. His most innovative blends andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨interpretations of forms were reservedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨for the mosques he built for Sultans. [1] Due to the experiences he gained through the practical aspects of his architectural life as well as his travels, he developed a reputation of an innovative designer of mosques and domed structures, which he then applied to the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque. Out of all of Sinan’s works, the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque aimed to exceed any other imperial mosque in beauty and size, which in most people’s opinions was a success. In the late 1540’s, the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent ordered Sinan to build a mosque within a kulliye (complex of buildings adjacent to a mosque). Just like most imperial mosques, the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque is more than just a place of worship. The complex consisted of various social, religious and educational functions such as schools, a hospital, a caravanserai, Turkish baths, and more.[2] The mosque is located on the Old Palace, on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn. The mosque is symbolic in the city of Istanbul, as it sits on the highest hill, thus implies the power and strength of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The complex was planned as a great centre of learning comprising of madrasas (a School for Islamic instruction) for studies in theology and holy law and medicine. Wide walkways surround the complex, where the outer sides consist of two rows of madrasas on the longer sides and social service buildings along the third side. Over time their has been additions of furth er buildings into the complex such as the hadith college, which have resulted in a lack of symmetry within the complex by attempting to adapt the buildings into older street networks. The mosque is located at the centre of the complex positioned towards the qiblah (direction of the Mecca, south-east). Around the mosque is a spacious courtyard measuring 44 by 58 meters, which has a fountain in the middle and a minaret in each corner, with a colonnaded peristyle with columns of marble, granite and porphyry.[3] The courtyard surrounded by an arched colonnade is a standard feature of Ottoman imperial mosques. Some of the marble and granite columns used for the Suleymaniye were collected from an old Byzantine Hippodrome, and from other locations in the city. In addition many materials where also collected from Roman and Byzantine buildings in Greece, Egypt, and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. This shows the diversity of cultures involved in the aesthetical and structural features with in the mosques design. The courtyard is enclosed on three sides by stonewalls, through the windows of which the sanctuary and funerary garden may be viewed. The fourth side has no wall built, allowing a panoramic view of the city and Golden horn. The minarets of the Suleymaniye have a total of 10 balconies; this was due to Suleyman the Magnificent being the 10th Ottoman sultan. Two taller minarets both frame the forecourt and mark the entrance to the interior space of worship where the sidewalls of the forecourt meet the mosque.[4] The mosque has many structural characteristics that resemble the Hagia Sophia. Sinan knew the Hagia Sophia well as he contributed to its preservation. For almost 500 yearsByzantine architecturesuch as the church of Hagia Sophia functioned as models for many of the Ottoman mosques including the Sà ¼leymaniye. [5] Although both were constructed in very different times, one representing the Christian-Byzantine Empire and the other representing the capability of the architect Sinan and the Islamic-Ottoman Empire, they have similarities as the Hagia Sophia influenced the Suleymaniye. Similar to the Hagia Sophia four giant piers hold up the main domes over a square plan. However the reinforcement system is much more complex ‘two half-domes stand on the axis of qiblah and hugearched walls filled with windows stand on the cross-axis’. The multiple domes and the arches supporting them also help to strengthen and distribute the weight of the massive central dome.[6] As well as th e columns being an essential part of the complex dome and support system of the mosque, it also had significant symbolic value religiously, symbolically and also architecturally. Although this supports the idea of influence of Hagia Sophia on the mosque, it also shows that the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque remains a unique piece of architecture due to its complexity, from the clashing aspects Sinan applied to the mosque. Taking elements from foreign cultures and religions and combining them into something original can be recognized in the Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque just by examining at the structural qualities and materials. The originality of the great Ottoman mosques did not appear by removing all the foreign influences, nor can it merely be reduced to the Byzantine style. It is a mixture that developed by the procedure of integration of foreign culture by the Turks of Byzantine culture. This is what Ottoman Empire is, a multiracial, multilingual, and multicultural empire, which is what will b e explored further throughout this study. Bibliography: 1. Cansever, Turget. The Architecture of Mimar Sinan. Architectural Design. V. 74. n. 6. Nov/Dec 2004. pg 64-70. 2. Celebi, Sai Mustafa. Book of Buildings: Memoirs of Sinan the Architect. Kocbank: Istanbul, 2002. pg. 68. 3. Freely, John and Augusto Romano Burelli. Sinan: Architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age. Thames Hudson: London, 1992. pg. 15-18, 26-33, 44-45, 74-77, 123-137. 4. Goodwin, Godfrey. Sinan: Ottoman Architecture and Its Values Today. Redwood Press Limited. Great Britain, 1993. Pgs. 33-45. 5. Nelipuglu, Gulru. The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire. Reaktion Books: London, 2005. pg. 207-221. 6. Yayinlari, Ege. Sinan: An Interpretation. Istanbul, Turkey, 1997. Pgs. 28-30. 7. Grabar, Oleg, ed. 1990. Muqarnas Volume VII: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Page 92 8. Art History, Volume I: Prehistoric-1400, pgs 520 – 522 9. Sinan and Palladio: two cultures and nine squares,International journal of architectural heritage, vol. 6, no. 1, 2012 Jan./Feb., pgs. 1-18. 10. The Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque: a computational fractal analysis of visual complexity and layering in Sinans masterwork, ARQ: architectural research quarterly, vol. 16, no. 2, 2012 June, p. 171-182. 11. World architecture : the masterworks / Will Pryce, London : Thames and Hudson, 2009.Pgs 193 – 195 12. Special issue. Mimar Sinan: the urban vision, Environmental design, vol. 5, no. 5/6 (1/2), 1987, p. 6-221. [1] The Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque: a computational fractal analysis of visual complexity and layering in Sinans masterwork vol. 16, no. 2, 2012 June, p. 171-173 [2] Grabar, Oleg, ed. 1990. Muqarnas Volume VII: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Page 92 [3] World architecture : the masterworks / Will Pryce,London : Thames and Hudson, 2009. Pg.193 [4] The Sà ¼leymaniye Mosque: a computational fractal analysis of visual complexity and layering in Sinans masterwork vol. 16, no. 2, 2012 June, p. 174 [5] Art History, Volume I: Prehistoric-1400, page 522. [6] World architecture : the masterworks / Will Pryce,London : Thames and Hudson, 2009. Pg.193

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hawks Essay -- essays research papers

Major Groups of the Animal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The major group that hawks belong to is the bird group. Hawks have wings and feathers to fly. Which all are characteristics of birds. The hawk has eyes on the sides of its head so it can see all around, similar to a normal bird. The differences between the hawk and other birds is that the hawk is a bird of prey. “Birds of prey'; or raptors make their living by hunting, killing, and consuming live animals. They are at the top of the ecological food chain which makes the hawk a top consumer. Evolution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hawk is closely related to all birds of prey. Any bird that makes its living by hunting, killing, and consuming live animals has a characteristic similar to the hawk. Even though owls are not related to eagles, falcons, and vultures they have similar hunting habits and similar equipment for catching and killing - sharp, hooked beaks, and strong, sharp, curved toenails or talons. Owls are nocturnal for the most part and the others hunt during the day. Hawks evolved from raptors which also were birds of prey. Hawks evolved with eagles and falcons mainly but also with some other birds as well. Habitat and Biome   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks live in all different habitats. Some in the foothills of the mountains while others live in the brushy open country and badlands of Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and South-central California. Also in North and Central America for a more wide variety of hawks. Its biome would be in the Deciduous area as well as the Grassland and parts of the desert. Tropic Level/Niche   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hawk is at the top of the ecological food chain. It is the top consumer of the food chain. Nothing eats it because it is at the highest level. The hawk eats almost everything and anything that is living. From starlings and sparrows and pigeons and quail to reptiles and amphibians. Even ground squirrels and field mice. Almost all rodents along with fish which are eaten by certain kinds of hawks. The hawk lives amongst the tallest trees in the woods. They plant their nest very high up so they can keep a close lookout on everything that is going on. It also helps to have the nest high to keep predators away from the hawks young. Feeding and Defense Adaptations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks are not nocturnal, li... ...ks will chase down birds such as pigeons or sparrows. With the hawks great maneuvering skills, it can chase its prey through trees and bushes. The hawk uses its talons to protect itself and its young. Humans are the predators which rarely effect the hawk and its life. We usually kill it by destroying the hawks habitat indirectly. Its young may be in the tree that we cut down, therefore lowering the number of hawks. Not very drastically though. Hawks only predators are coyotes and other such animals that can attack their young if it is out of the nest. The hawks will defend their young at all costs. Reproduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks reproduce once a year. They have one mate for their whole life. Unless, of course if one dies then the other hawk will find a new mate. It usually lays 3-5 blotched or spotted eggs a year, depending on food supply. Hawks reproduction has many factors that determine weather or not the bird will reproduce. If the food isn’t abundant then the hawks may not reproduce as many eggs, if any. If the mate dies or finds a new mate then the other hawk may not reproduce for that year. Hawks will leave their mate, under certain conditions. Hawks Essay -- essays research papers Major Groups of the Animal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The major group that hawks belong to is the bird group. Hawks have wings and feathers to fly. Which all are characteristics of birds. The hawk has eyes on the sides of its head so it can see all around, similar to a normal bird. The differences between the hawk and other birds is that the hawk is a bird of prey. “Birds of prey'; or raptors make their living by hunting, killing, and consuming live animals. They are at the top of the ecological food chain which makes the hawk a top consumer. Evolution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hawk is closely related to all birds of prey. Any bird that makes its living by hunting, killing, and consuming live animals has a characteristic similar to the hawk. Even though owls are not related to eagles, falcons, and vultures they have similar hunting habits and similar equipment for catching and killing - sharp, hooked beaks, and strong, sharp, curved toenails or talons. Owls are nocturnal for the most part and the others hunt during the day. Hawks evolved from raptors which also were birds of prey. Hawks evolved with eagles and falcons mainly but also with some other birds as well. Habitat and Biome   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks live in all different habitats. Some in the foothills of the mountains while others live in the brushy open country and badlands of Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and South-central California. Also in North and Central America for a more wide variety of hawks. Its biome would be in the Deciduous area as well as the Grassland and parts of the desert. Tropic Level/Niche   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hawk is at the top of the ecological food chain. It is the top consumer of the food chain. Nothing eats it because it is at the highest level. The hawk eats almost everything and anything that is living. From starlings and sparrows and pigeons and quail to reptiles and amphibians. Even ground squirrels and field mice. Almost all rodents along with fish which are eaten by certain kinds of hawks. The hawk lives amongst the tallest trees in the woods. They plant their nest very high up so they can keep a close lookout on everything that is going on. It also helps to have the nest high to keep predators away from the hawks young. Feeding and Defense Adaptations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks are not nocturnal, li... ...ks will chase down birds such as pigeons or sparrows. With the hawks great maneuvering skills, it can chase its prey through trees and bushes. The hawk uses its talons to protect itself and its young. Humans are the predators which rarely effect the hawk and its life. We usually kill it by destroying the hawks habitat indirectly. Its young may be in the tree that we cut down, therefore lowering the number of hawks. Not very drastically though. Hawks only predators are coyotes and other such animals that can attack their young if it is out of the nest. The hawks will defend their young at all costs. Reproduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawks reproduce once a year. They have one mate for their whole life. Unless, of course if one dies then the other hawk will find a new mate. It usually lays 3-5 blotched or spotted eggs a year, depending on food supply. Hawks reproduction has many factors that determine weather or not the bird will reproduce. If the food isn’t abundant then the hawks may not reproduce as many eggs, if any. If the mate dies or finds a new mate then the other hawk may not reproduce for that year. Hawks will leave their mate, under certain conditions.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The pearl Essay -- essays research papers

The Pearl In the novel, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, we meet Kino, his wife, Juana and their baby, Coyotitio. Kino’s family lives in a grass hut in the poor, fishing village of La Paz, Mexico in the 1920’s. Their lives are disrupted when a vicious scorpion bites Coyotito. The only way that they can get help were they live is to have enough money to pay the local doctor. Kino goes pearl diving and discovers a pearl that is worth â€Å"millions.† It appears that Kino has gone from having nothing to being able to get whatever his dreams desire. But in literature, as in life, things are not always as they appear to be, and the pearl ends up bringing them things that they never expected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kino has lived a hard life. He works hard and gets very little out of it. His fa...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

radio-imaging effectiveness :: essays research papers

Radiation can be used in both diagnosis and therapeutic manners. The radiation emitted from radioisotopes can destroy tissue and in the therapeutic use: the destruction of cancerous and other dangerous tissues. And with diagnosis the gamma particle pass through the body tissues with minimal damage to a gamma camera. To evaluate the effectiveness of PET, SPECT, MRI and X-rays, we first need some basic knowledge on how each of them work. PET stands for positron emission tomography and works by an instrument collecting radiation emitted from a radioisotope injected the patient’ body. The strengths of emission are recorded by a gamma camera, which has a series of scintillation crystals, each connected to a photomultiplier tube. The crystals convert the gamma rays, emitted from the patient, to photons of light, and the photomultiplier tubes convert and amplify the photons to electrical signals. These electrical signals are then processed by a computer to generate images. The table is then moved, and the process is repeated, resulting in a series of thin slice images of the body over the region of interest (e.g. brain, breast, liver). These thin slice images can be assembled into a three dimensional representation of the patient's body Nowadays, PET scanning devices are most often used in conjunction with CT scanners, so that a more accurate image can be observed by the doctor for easier diagnosis of diseases or disorders. SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) works in a way much the same to PET. But the radioactive substances used in SPECT (Xenon-133, Technetium-99, Iodine-123) have longer decay times than those used in PET, and emit single instead of double gamma rays MRI has a more complex principle for its function; it works by creating a magnetic field so strong that the hydrogen protons in the body are forced into alignment with the magnetic field. Short bursts of radio waves are sent from the scanner into your body. The radio waves knock the protons from their position. When the burst of radio waves stops, the protons go back into position. They realign back to being in parallel with the magnetic field. As the protons realign, in a process known as relaxation, they emit tiny radio signals. A receiving device in the scanner detects these signals. The type of tissue can be interpreted from the strength of the signal emitted. Most of the hydrogen atoms in the body are in water molecules.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Importance of manners

Manners are the buildings blocks, of character they build and construct the character and present it as a model or a diamond in front of others, it gives rising shining respect to you. Manners are very useful and even free of cost, lust use them and get benefit from them, by good manners you can have respect In front of others manners also means respecting others and by respecting others we are respecting ourselves.Manners can be adopted by following footsteps f those persons who good manners, act as they act live as they live one day you will also have priceless manners rich for your respect Without manners life can be difficult and many problems can come In front of you, Manners doesn't really deal with religion. It Is a part of the human characterless. Everyone either has good or bad manners. Having manners will let people respect you. They will be kind towards you and they won't hesitate to talk or be your friend.A person with good manners is honored everywhere while a person wit h bad manners is spoken about badly. A person with bad manners will have people treat him as if he is a piece of trash' that they won't even bother to look at. They'll think that your parents didn't bring you up. Also, the Prophet pub had amassable wonderful manners. The Prophet pub is the example to all Muslims. We all are supposed to have good manners. It will help take you far in life.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Civil Rights/Secret Life of Bees

Bridget Baker Mrs. McQuade Period 2 4/10/12 Racial Discrimination and Segregation In 1619 the very first African Americans arrived in America, coming over for the purpose of forced slavery. It’s been nearly four hundred years since then and African Americans are still not treated completely equal. But throughout the years major steps towards equality have been made and as a whole the United States is close to reaching this goal. The first key action taken was abolishing slavery in 1865, but African Americans didn’t start gaining equal rights until 1955 during the Civil Rights Movement.The African American Civil Rights Movement aimed to eliminate all racial discrimination and segregation in America and demonstrated throughout Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of the Bees. In America, African Americans were not only treated unequal, but looked down upon to the majority of whites. The Civil Rights Movement was from 1955 all through 1968 and was carried out through bot h violent and non-violent acts with the support of leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. MLK Jr. tood on the side of non-violence, believing that by getting the public’s attention to how blacks were being treated there would be a sense of sympathy and change of heart towards African Americans. During one of the non-violent protests, March of Washington, MLK Jr. gave the famous â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech to 200,000 civil rights supporters who were gathered at the front of the Lincoln Memorial, stretched past the reflecting pool. In this speech he said, â€Å"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. † These were some of the most powerful words during the Civil Rights Movement and exposed to the people the true hurt blacks felt. MLK Jr. s approach was very successful in the gaining freedom from oppression by white Americans, but Malcolm X also contributed to the movement. Malcolm X believed more in black supremacy and not as strongly about white and black integration.Though some views were different than MLK Jr. ’s, the overall idea was the same, which was shown in his famous â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet† speech saying, â€Å"Human rights are something you were born with. Human rights are your God-given rights. Human rights are the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth. Malcolm X talks about the human rights, which includes all races. With the help of leaders like MLK Jr. and Malcolm X, the nation focused on civil rights for African Americans, and slowly began to improve. With each year more rights, such as voting, were given to all blacks and the amount of segregation rapidly decreased. Some racial discrimination still exists, but has reduced majorly since the African American Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement is such a significant part of America’s history that it has been an influence in books, movies, and much more.For example, in the novel The Secret Life of the Bees by Sue Monk Kidd black racial discrimination and segregation are exposed. The story is about a young white girl, Lily, who is raised mostly by her nanny and housekeeper, Rosaleen, who is African American. The first obstacle of racism that is shown is when Rosaleen is finally given the opportunity to vote after new law changes, but is taunted by white men on her way and is thrown in jail when she retaliates. Next, Lily finds herself in the house of three African American sist ers, seeking a place to live her.While contemplating lettering her stay, one of the sisters stress, â€Å"But she’s white†¦ â€Å" (Kidd 87). Though it seems as if it’s the white girl being discriminated against, but in reality blacks know the trouble that this gives themselves and how much trouble they could get in for this. The integration of blacks and whites was not only rare because it was looked down upon, but also because consequences would be given. Lily grows more than a friendship with a young African American and regardless of their feelings it’s nearly impossible for them to become anything more because of the fear of him getting in trouble for it.He explains this to her as, â€Å"Lily, I like you better than any girl I’ve ever known, but you have to understand, there are people who would kill boys like me for even looking at girls like you,† (135). Even those whites willing to integrate could not do it by themselves and during t he Civil Rights Movement it brought everyone together willing to desegregate races. It was not immediate, but racial discrimination and segregation have extremely lessoned. From the beginning of America an ongoing battle with African American discrimination has occurred.In the Declaration of Independence written in 1776 it states, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. † The fight for equality of blacks still is present, even though they are citizens of the United States of America. The Civil Rights Movement was a fight for African Americans to receive the rights and equality they should have been given since day one. Racial discrimination and segregation are what America claims to be against, and it was the Civil Rights Movement that slowly gave the equality to African Americans, as they deserve along with all Americans.